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Awwwwww.  Well, that concludes the fourth Far Out There madlib, in which THIS bit of heartwarming fluff somehow came out of:

"Tabitha discovers a portal to a Colander dimension, which only Tabitha and Dr. Caligari can travel to due to their elevated Taco levels. After extensive exploration in a collapsible Tandem Bicycle, all they discover is a giant Kazoo."

Appropriately enough, this little series happened to wrap up on the same week as the ALSO Tabitha-centric Top Webcomic incentive series, which wound up unintentionally complimenting each other quite nicely.  ALSO like the TWC comics, though, I must annoyingly report that Far Out There Patreon comics are going to be on break for at least the next several weeks.  Don't worry, Jenna's series will be picking back up again soon, but in the meantime I've still got a LOT of stuff to get done before December's Christmas comics start.  Ideally, I'll work on those for a good chunk of November, and have more Jenna comics up and running by the time the Christmas stuff actually starts going live.  Ya know, a sort of "if you're bored with Christmas, you can always become a patron and read THOSE comics" sort of thing.  Devious, ain't it?



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