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Can it be?  Have I FINALLY done the next Madlib comic?  YES!!! ...sort of.  See, the whole reason this comic took so long is because I kinda sorta let this one get waaaaay out of control.  The completed Madlib, submitted by Seros Senric, was:

Tax gets a time machine and visits Sophia's future, which has been greatly changed by Filk-playing bunyips.

I never should have put "time machine" in there, because as soon as I started writing out the comics, I started think waaaaay too hard about alternate futures and time paradoxes and other time travel weirdness.  I trimmed off a TON of stuff and the end result is still about twice as long as the other Far Out There comics.  With that big a chunk of comics to do on top of all the OTHER comics, which had actual deadlines attached to them... well, the comics DIDN'T get done.  To try and get around this, I've decided to just do the first half and go ahead and post THAT.  Hey, you guys paid for it, it's high time you saw SOMETHING.  I'm gonna TRY to get the second half up in a week or two, but given how things have gone so far, don't hold me to that.  It WILL get done before Animazement, though.  I don't need this hanging over my head while trying to deal with con season.

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Yay! ...I figure I should comment here, because I usually read Patreon updates in my email. The font here doesn't seem like it wants to kill my eyes anymore, which is nice.