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AAAAAAAND THAT'S IT!  I'm calling it!  We have a winner!  ...and we also have a lesson for the future: next time we hold a vote, I need to remember to give an official cut-off date right away.  I wound up having to wing it this time, but I think at this point anybody who was actually going to bother voting has had more than enough chances to do so.

And yes!  Card Captor Sakura is the winner!  The race was pretty much exclusively between CCS and Slayers, so I guess the real lesson here is that nobody give a crap about Gundam Wing.  I'm excited, because it's been a while since I actually watched CCS, and having excuses to watch stuff is half the fun of doing stuff like this.

BUT JUST AS A REMINDER: I'll be trying my best to make "Weekly Anime Comics" actually weekly again, but there's no guarantee I'll actually able to pull it off with all the other stuff I'm trying to get back in the groove of doing.  There also probably won't be a designated "new comic day" for these things, I'll just be posting them whenever they get done.  And again, to anyone spoiled by my Digimon comics, I'm not promising to do a comic about every single episode of the show.  Just because CCS is 70 episodes long doesn't mean we'll be getting 70 pages of content... although that'd be pretty awesome if it did.

Finally, although I though about it, I've decided we're NOT kicking this thing off next week, but the week AFTER next.  I just wanted to avoid some stress by conclusively closing the vote and declaring an official winner as soon as possible.  I want at least a few more days to focus on getting some more Far Out There stuff taken care off before taking on this side project.  But hey, you're technically already GETTING your first CCS comic here!  Look, there's some MST3k references snuck in and everything!

EDIT: Oh right! I forgot one more reminder!  These comics ARE going to be going out on social media on a weekly basis, a lot sooner than these used to get re-posted on SmackJeeves back in the day.  HOWEVER, the long-suffering patrons WILL still be getting to see these comics before everybody else, by at least a few weeks.  So your hard-earned couple of bucks aren't JUST getting you in on the vote!




The first thing I thought upon seeing this was that Stilez better not find out that someone is petitioning against Tax or there's going to be trouble. It definitely says....something....that pretty much anytime I see the word Tax now my brain initially parses it as the name of a puppygirl in a webcomic and has to pause for a second before remembering there's a rather more common meaning. I'm not sure what it says. But definitely something. And then the second thing I thought was how weirdly coincidental it was that the vertical banner ad on the right of page when I first pulled it up was for a company apparently called "Tax Slayers". Which is another group of people that would probably need to avoid Stilez if at all possible.


I just love the thought of somebody who only cares about the Conventional Wisdom stuff reading this comment and having NO idea what's going on :)