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That's right!  It's finally time!  After all that teasing and promising, I'm FINALLY bringing back Weekly Anime Comic, now with a HEAPING HELPING OF DEMOCRACY!  Vote for which show you'd most like to see me draw silly cartoons about, and we'll see how long it takes me to fall off the "weekly" part of that title.  And yes, while the "official" tiers list says that the polls are for $5+ patrons, I want to get as many people in on this first vote as possible, so the $2+ crowd gets to take part in this one.  Go wild, folks!  Tell me what you want!

Oh, and this is important: If you're only here because you read Far Out There and don't really care about all this Conventional Wisdom stuff, VOTE ANYWAY!  One of the reasons I decided to switch over to the voting system was to get more feedback from people who don't care enough to actually come up with a request of their own.  Also, these comics will eventually be reposted to all the various social media outlets as the Digimon comics I'm already doing.  If the show I'm doing comics about is a show that even people who don't really CARE about these comics still felt compelled to vote for, then the odds of those comics going viral on the wider Internet are at least somewhat better.  Your feedback would really help me out here, gang, a lot more than you realize.

Well, that's enough from me, VOTE AWAY!



Hmmm, I haven't watched any of these, due partially to the fact that I strictly avoid watching anything that might be considered popular. Still, as with any election, I have done my research on the candidates - I read each of their Wikipedia entries...and thus confirmed the second reason why I haven't watched any: As I suspected, the Americanized versions shown on TV were horrifically butchered by Hollywood into near complete unrecognizability from their original forms. 'Ugh. Uh, we just "edited" the 50 episodes down to 15, removed half the characters, changed the genders of several others, names, places, occupations, relationships, and motivations all completely different, so here's your "Japanese Anime" - Enjoy!' OK, yeah, yeah, I'm sure that being involved in the Anime community you've heard this particular flavor of whining and complaining trillions of times, but, not being involved in any communities of any kind myself, the annoyance is all fresh and brand new to me! :)


Not to go revealing anybody's confidential voting record to the general public or anything, but your pick definitely was one of the watershed moments in changing how the translation/release of anime in other markets was handled!


Aww crap, I didn't think to set an end period for the voting. How long should I wait before assuming everybody who actually cares has voted?


Maybe wait until a week after the last vote was cast? Or something like that. (ie if another vote gets cast that pushes out the deadline)