Conventional Wisdom: AWA 2015 - page 5 (Patreon)
2015-10-11 17:04:41
As anyone who's taken I-85 through South Carolina (or, I dunno, watched House of Cards) knows, there's a big ol' peach shaped water tower that looks like a bottom. Okay, it's called the Peachoid, not peach butt, but come on!
And yes, despite my being in such a hurry to get back that I skipped out before Closing Ceremonies, I still pulled over for one more Scribbles picture. This is why I need people to travel with me, I have no self-control.
Well, that's all for the extra AWA comics! There'll be an extra batch of AUSA comics in about a month's time, so stay tuned for that! (and, you know, all the other comics and blogs and whatnot)
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