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As I already explained in the main comics, I wasted a stupid amount of time on the drive to AWA screwing around South of the Border and taking touristy pictures.  There was no graceful way of taking a picture of this sight though.  Yes, South of the Border apparently pays people to be the on-call janitor in their parking lot bathrooms.  Not just swing by as part of their rounds cleaning up the whole place, but specifically to hang out in the bathroom itself.  And yes, he really did have a tip jar out.

I mean, I get why this would seem necessary.  Rest Stop bathrooms are terrifying enough even when they're in the same building as everything else.  But this was seriously just a little stand alone building in the middle of the parking lot.  The mind boggles at what might happen in there without someone keeping an eye on it.  Still, I guarantee that guy isn't getting paid enough to make up for the damage this job is doing to his soul.

...but I feel a LOT better about every crappy job I've ever had now.





South of the Border is a tourist trap, not a rest stop.


True, but the tourist trappy attractions there have restrooms of their own. This stand-alone one in the parking lot was clearly meant to accommodate the people just pulling over for a pit stop instead of sticking around. Stopping for a Rest, if you will :)


They just have a restroom in the parking lot, and it has an attendent, wow...


I know, right? A completely stand-alone building with just those two rooms. It's sort of like the bathrooms in a park... except not in a park, but surrounded by other buildings with restrooms of their own... which is makes the whole thing kind of weird.