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Hey look!  The new Far Out There series is starting!  As long as everything goes according to plan, there'll be a new page of this brand new story starring Jenna every Thursday, right here on Patreon!

(Full disclosure, though: the regular pages won't be anywhere NEAR as detailed as this.  I just wanted to kick things off with style, ya know?)

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I have to say, I think you have drawn that pose really well. Nice hands.


Dude, you can't even BEGIN to imagine how many times I had to redraw that pose, and STILL had to Frankenstein a bunch of pieces around in editing. And the reference pics. SO MANY REFERENCE PICTURES. I think at one point I had five different pictures in front of me for that hand alone. SOOOO HAAAARD... ...but yeah, I'm really proud of the end result too. Thanks!


dat hand