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This is exactly the kind of thing I HATE doing, but apparently Patreon had some kind of snafu with payments and a lot of people's donations didn't go through.  So you guys will probably wanna doublecheck whether or not your payments for this month actually went though.  On my end, it's not saying anything was declined... but it's also saying that the take for this month is only a third of what it ought to be.  I can't tell how much of that is Patreon not processing things, and how much is just banks and paypal taking a while to move money around because, again, I HATE KEEPING UP WITH THIS CRAP.  So, yeah, if you could doublecheck whether or not your August donation actually went through, that'd be greatly appreciated.

*sigh* Of COURSE this would happen right before the most expensive convention of the year, right?



I think mine has gone through, got the Patreon receipt and there's a not-yet-updated-with-the-name entry in my bank log that seems to match.


Okay, it looks like everything got where it's supposed to be now. Now I can go back to barely paying attention to this stuff until the next bit of technical difficulty :D