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No, seriously, it was really dangerous.  The drive from the suburbs of Atlanta to up North of Raleigh is pretty punishing if you aren't properly prepared, and... well, I was up at, like, 6am to make sure I got all my stuff out of the hotel before the elevators got all jammed up.  That is not how you prepare for a nine-hour drive.  If you've been paying attention to any of my artist commentaries over the past year or two, you know that I don't have much middle ground between "awake" and "unconscious" anymore.  When I start to fade, I'm out like a light FAST.  And that started happening something serious on the final leg of the trip.  If I wasn't so close to home, I probably would have pulled over and taken a nap, and honestly, I should have done that anyway.  I was legit blacking out at the wheel and not knowing where I was and all that horrifying stuff.  It is a VERY good thing that it was already so late that nobody else was on the streets around here.  Don't do what I do, kids.

Well, that's the last Conventional Wisdom comic of 2017!  And speaking of no sleep, it's time for me to dive RIGHT back into Far Out There Christmas comics and trying to get that HUUUUGE pile of FOT Patreon comics finished before the 25th and getting a head start on MAGFest prep.  Wheeeee.....

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