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I'm glad so many people are liking me using actual con photos in these comics... but I'm really gonna have to start getting better about taking more generic hall shots to cover every potential and setting.  Cos Lord knows I won't  chance to just drive up to Washington and do this for Otakon.

Actually, the funniest thing about this comic is that I very nearly had to use some stock Google photo... in the comic about how I was taking my own pictures.  Without thinking, I deleted the whole folder of pictures I took on this little trip as soon as the main Animazement comics were done.  If I wasn't too lazy to empty the Recycle Bin for days and days afterwards (allowing me to remember what I'd done and recover the folder) this page would be DRASTICALLY different, and waaaaaay more ironic.

So, yeah, that's it for Animazement!  I know, it's way, way, WAY shorter than the MAGFest update... but the MAGFest one was also way later than this.  If I've learned anything these past few months, it's that this whole operation runs MUCH more smoothly when I keep the updates shorter.  And with that in mind, hopefully Otakon's comics will all be done sometime before summer ends!  We can only hope!

First - Previous - Next Con (Otakon 2017)




Maybe I'm tired, but it took me a few tries to realise that "offree" was actually "of free" Concerning photos: I tend to try to keep them forever (eventually with multiple backups) if I don't delete them within 2 hours of taking them. Regardless of how I feel about the photo, or it's relevancy, importance, etcetera.


I've had no choice but to get better about deleting old photos, simply because I kept running out of space for NEW stuff.


A true master of the art of laziness would just use Google Streetview :)