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Yay!  I got a set of Patreon comics done BEFORE the next convention!  ...just barely, and significantly less than the previous set, but IT GOT DONE!

Anyway, this is one of the great disadvantages to commuting instead of staying at the hotel: you have to, ya know, actually COMMUTE.  I was artistically up to the challenge of depicting just how crappy the drive into Downtown Raleigh actually is.  Yeah, I know I've depicted disastrous traffic conditions in a humorous way in the past, but there's stories to be told of how legitimately, factually terrible the roads are right now.  Stories that would require a far higher level of technical detail than I posses to actually pull off.  Like, say, the one road that needed to be expanded to accommodate extra traffic, but instead of actually paving new lanes, they just painted the lines closer, fitting six lanes of cars into four lanes worth of pavement.  Crap like that is just one more reason why I was getting up waaaaaay earlier than I really needed to to beat the traffic into town.

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