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So... yeah.  This thing took a LONG time to finish, didn't it?  And believe it or not, despite the total page count being at least fourteen figures long, there's STILL content I was planing to use for comics but cut.  In some cases, especially during that first blast of activity right after MAGFest itself, the culling happened because I just couldn't make the planned joke work as I'd hoped, so it either got dropped or mashed in with another comic.  However, by the time I hit this final leg of the journey, I actually did have to drop several pages from the rough count because I looked and my notes and genuinely couldn't remember what they were talking about.  Or, at the very least, I remembered the basic event but couldn't make sense of my shorthand notes on what the punchline was supposed to be.  Yet another reason why I really, REALLY need to stop letting these updates drag out so long.

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