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[Survey] About posting time / [アンケート] 投稿時間について

  • JST 00:00 / UTC 15:00 / EST 10:00 0
  • JST 03:00 / UTC 18:00 / EST 13:00 0
  • JST 06:00 / UTC 21:00 / EST 16:00 3
  • JST 09:00 / UTC 00:00 / EST 19:00 0
  • JST 12:00 / UTC 03:00 / EST 22:00 4
  • JST 15:00 / UTC 06:00 / EST 01:00 0
  • JST 18:00 / UTC 09:00 / EST 04:00 0
  • JST 21:00 / UTC 12:00 / EST 07:00 2
  • 2024-01-03
  • —2024-01-10
  • 9 votes
{'title': '[Survey] About posting time / [アンケート] 投稿時間について', 'choices': [{'text': 'JST 00:00 / UTC 15:00 / EST 10:00', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'JST 03:00 / UTC 18:00 / EST 13:00', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'JST 06:00 / UTC 21:00 / EST 16:00', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'JST 09:00 / UTC 00:00 / EST 19:00', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'JST 12:00 / UTC 03:00 / EST 22:00', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'JST 15:00 / UTC 06:00 / EST 01:00', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'JST 18:00 / UTC 09:00 / EST 04:00', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'JST 21:00 / UTC 12:00 / EST 07:00', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 10, 15, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 3, 5, 15, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


Until now, I didn’t pay attention to the posting time, but I’m considering setting a fixed time.

So, I would like to conduct a survey for those who have become patrons. What time do you usually view the most?

I understand it may be a bit troublesome, but the time options are in the format of

‘ JST (Japan Standard Time UTC+09:00) / UTC (Coordinated Universal Time UTC+00:00) / EST (Eastern Standard Time UTC-05:00) ’

with a 24-hour display and divided into 3-hour intervals. Please choose the time you usually view, around before or after.





「JST (日本標準時 UTC+09:00) / UTC (協定世界時 UTC+00:00) / EST (米国東部標準時 UTC+05:00)」




I forgot to mention. I will tally this survey around the 11th, which is Kagami Biraki (the day when the New Year decorations are taken down). 書き忘れてました。このアンケートは11日の鏡開き(正月飾りを下げる日)あたりに集計します。


I realized after publishing this survey that it was completely meaningless if it was targeted at patrons. The original aim was to make it easier for everyone to see, but that was aimed at people who have not yet seen my work. For patrons who have already seen it, it was a truly irrelevant survey because they can see it at their own free time. I will set a deadline of the 11th in case it will be useful for future reference. ---------------------------------------- このアンケートを公開してから気付いたのだけど、パトロンの方を対象にしたら全く意味の無いアンケートだった。 元々の狙いは、皆様に見て貰い易くなればいいなというものだったのですが、それってまだわたくしの作品を見たことない人に向けての狙いでしたね。 すでにパトロンの方にとってはそれぞれの自由な時間で見ればいいので本当に関係ないアンケートでした。 一応将来何かの参考になればいいかなという事で期限の11日まで設けておきます。