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I’m feeling a bit under the weather due to hay fever, so allow me to appeal for a bit of sympathy.

In modern Japan, hay fever is a condition that affects 40 to 50 percent of the Japanese population, making it a very close relationship for all citizens.

Regardless of the detailed history, 70 percent of Japan’s land is forest, 40 percent of which is man-made forest, and 70 percent of that is occupied by cedar and cypress, which are the cause of hay fever for many people.

As for my hay fever, the cause is cypress and birch family (probably alder), and the birch has a very troublesome characteristic. That is, “oral allergy symptoms” are more likely to occur than other hay fever. In other words, it’s a food allergy.

I’ve had an apple allergy in addition to hay fever since I was a child. When I eat uncooked apples, my throat gets rough and an unusual itchiness occurs. And before I knew it, I started to have allergic symptoms mainly to delicious fruits such as peaches, cherries, and loquats.

However, fortunately, if heat is applied, the symptoms do not appear in a recognizable form, but now I think that I may not have noticed that they were appearing in a different form, such as fatigue.

However, in recent years, even when heat is applied, it’s no good, next tomatoes became no good, cucumbers became no good (in other words, the nightshade family), and when I was cooking potatoes, even though I hadn’t eaten them, I had allergic symptoms in my mouth, so I found out that potatoes were also no good.

Unlike fruits, it’s very troublesome that potatoes are no good. To those of you reading this, do you have times when there are no potatoes on your dining table? Also, are there any foods that do not contain potatoes in fast food, ready-made items, and retort items that you want to finish easily?

Another troublesome point is that symptoms also appear in starch. A lot of starch is extracted by processing potatoes that cannot be made into products as they are. If you look at the ingredient list, you might see something like potato starch written, that’s what it is. It’s not that the symptoms are easy to understand, but fatigue and abdominal pain are more likely to occur.

I want you to look at the ingredient list of the processed products in your house, but most of them contain starch. Potatoes are not avoided religiously outside the old Christian sphere for the reason that they are not listed in the Bible, and they are used without any notice even in eating out because they are not major as allergens. I never thought that I wouldn’t be able to eat the ramen from Tenkaippin.

From that, I think I can’t eat out carelessly, and I probably can’t travel abroad. The only place I’ve been to is Taiwan, and I don’t remember eating potatoes there, so if I were to go, it might only be Taiwan.

That was my unfortunate bragging. Thank you for reading.

The food allergies that I have discovered so far are:

Apples, peaches, loquats, cherries, kiwis, tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes.


















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