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・April 21, 2024 updated

Requests are now being accepted again.

As we have been describing for some time,

As we have mentioned before, we will only accept requests from

"Premium Support Plan / 特別応援プラン" and

"Platinum Support Plan / 超特別応援プラン".

Please make your request via direct message in the community to make it clear that it is a request.




「Premium Support Plan / 特別応援プラン」と

「Platinum Support Plan / 超特別応援プラン」からのみの受け付けとさせていただきます。




I forgot to write this, but I’m thinking of reopening requests somewhere this month.

However, I’m sorry, but please let me take it from the “Premium Support Plan / Special Support Plan” and the “Platinum Support Plan / Super Special Support Plan”.

From my initial lack of foresight, I was taking it from the “Basic Support Plan + / Basic Support Plan +”, but I felt that I couldn’t definitely respond.

Even in the official guide for creators on Patreon, there were notes about that area, so unless it’s a method like “how much per case” like Skeb and Pixiv Request, I think it’s physically and mentally difficult.

In that sense, even though it’s a high Tier plan, I can say that it’s still a good deal, but I’m going to restart accepting after reorganizing and managing tasks first.

I will add a note to this article again when that happens.

First, one more CG collection, answer the request that I received first and have been postponing, finish the miscellaneous things that I haven’t been able to summarize yet… I think it will be after that.

Well, I’ll go back to creating illustrations without writing just text.




しかし、申し訳ないのですが、「Premium Support Plan / 特別応援プラン」 と 「Platinum Support Plan / 超特別応援プラン」 からとさせてください。

わたくしの最初の見通しの甘さから 「Basic Support Plan + / 基本応援プラン+」 からとしていたのですが、確実に応えきれないなと感じました。

Patreon公式のクリエイター向けガイドでもその辺りの注意書きがあったので、SkebやPixivリクエストの様に 「一件当たりいくら」 というやり方でない限り、物理的にも精神的にも難しいのだろうなと考えます。







One word / ひとこと - April 11, 2024

Strange noise from PC, coil whine of the GPU. Despair.



One word / ひとこと - April 01, 2024

The cherry blossoms in the garden are almost in full bloom.



One word / ひとこと - March 30, 2024

I had told them in a previous notice that they would not be able to see it, but in the end, the December postings were still there.




・This Month's INFORMATION / 今月のお知らせ


Initially, I started limiting the publication of past works because I thought it might be unfair to those who have been supporting me for a long time, but it takes more effort than I thought.

This is because there is no function to set a publication deadline within Patreon, so it’s manual work.

Moreover, because Patreon often changes the sort function, it’s hard to search from the poster’s side, and it’s a lot of trouble to move the Tier.

So I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I will leave what I am currently publishing as it is.

I will use that for back numbers and new CG collections.

Of course, I will also do new illustrations and request works properly.

Even so, I spent more time on the production of back numbers than I thought.

Looking at it now, I want to remake it. If I had put it out at the end of that month, I wouldn’t have felt this way and could have put it out without worrying.












・CG collection

[INFORMATION] Notice of Release of Back Issues / バックナンバー発売のお知らせ


・INDEX / 目次

  (A month later, it is still not installed / ひと月経ってもまだ設置できていません)



・Premium Support Plan / 特別応援プラン 限定コンテンツ


・Platinum Support Plan / 超特別応援プラン 限定コンテンツ

CG_Collection まだ2件


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