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When I first started Patreon, I have said that it was hard being an artist in Thailand because the government doesn't support or provide any welfare.

But now, living in Thailand has turned from hard mode to nightmare mode with Paypal issuing a new policy that effect only in my country. An only Business account can receive money (and according to law, must be registered as a corporation, has office location, and auditing)

This creates enormous burdens to many freelancers. Do you think a freelancer who works in a small apartment with only 1 PC like me will have the money to rent an office to open a corporation? (Cannot register apartment as office because I must be the owner of the place)

If that is is not difficult enough, Paypal has a promotion for us. Even if you can register a business account, you still cannot receive money through Payouts. This means you can't receive money from Patreon, Gumroad, etc.

This made me so stressed out recently, I cannot do work at all. ; w ;

If I can't clear this problem, or Paypal didn't change their policy before next year's February, I'll need to close my Patreon and change my profession instead. (LOL)

PS. Even if I closed down, I will still work on the rewards that was withheld. Do not worry. LOL




Oh no! This is horrible! I hope you're able to figure something out! I'd hate to see your Patreom go away D:

Kevin Chen

butter, i messaged you something directly about that


Sounds like it's time to change countries.


😩😩😭This is a terrible policy! What is all this for? I'm so sorry to hear that. Let's keep our fingers crossed so that everything remains the same!


Not trying to protect Paypal here, but this seems to be a government regulation. So Paypal has do adapt to these rules if they want to keep operating in that (and it seems like others made a similar thing, don't ask my why; don't know) specific country. Hope it's possible to register as a business.