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You might have noticed that I have been drawing Thai Vtuber a lot recently. It's simply because I fell into the rabbit hole. I've been watching their streams while working for almost an entire day. (LOL)  This is why I drew a lot of Vtuber.

So I want to know if there is any Vtuber you want me to draw. (Include a link to their channel too would be nice) I want to collect info, then either make a poll or randomly choose.

Please suggest only Vtuber that is okay with NSFW drawing of themselves. I want to avoid hurting their feeling.

PS. The attached image totally had nothing to  do with the content




Amelia Watson please: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyl1z3jo3XHR1riLFKG5UAg


I would like to suggest Ayamy, but I'm not 100% sure. She does some echii drawings of herself, and released a couple of Rem R18 books, but I can't tell if she would be alright with R18 drawings. But Echii is fine (maybe nudity too, since she states on some streams that she's naked while streaming). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr9p1ZjLKgfaoqNorY7PiWQ

Tye Tass

Hana Macchia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJtk0myFr5WnyfsmnInP-w or Anya Melfissa https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC727SQYUvx5pDDGQpTICNWg