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 From doodle of Military Sex Bot last time
www.patreon.com/posts/casual-doodle-or-27139504 << 

 Today I was a bit stressed, so I doodle for relieving it. And this is sample of this series' andoroid.  


Codename - Sarah
Appearance - Young girl around 18-19
AI Type - Cool-dere
Armor Thickness (Breasts) - C
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Brown
Maximum Load - 980 kg.
Main Equipment - Giant shield that can transform into Field bed

 Machine No. 73 of Lambert's Unit, adjusted to specifically support first aid and communication. (She cannot attack human except for self defense. So human soldier is still necessary in battlefield)

 After MSB Project being attacked by SJW and closed, Sarah is retired and dismantled. (Lambert's Unit was against dismantling, but was attacked by SJW fanning society judgement saying that they only want to release lust on sex doll brought with taxes. And the military was pressured to reject Lambert's Objection Letter) 


 Maybe in next opportunity, I will take suggestions from you to doodle like this. If you like Sarah, I might draw her H scene. LOL 




I need a sexy blonde sex military bot for my unit UwU