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 Record of Mio-chan's Live Concert. Since it's a music band, it's normal to have many people on stage. (LOL) 

 I tried adding camera frame, it looks very much a like filming an AV. LOL 

 But I randomly added HUD, I might be missing some icons. So I apologize in advance. 

 Of course, this reward set will have uncensored version and no-HUD version. 

https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=69905897 << Pixiv

https://twitter.com/Butter_T/status/1023223155899289601  << Twitter




May I ask why this is SSR tier and above? Per the tier descriptions, the only difference between SR and SSR is that SSR gets PSDs and illustration steps. I was under the impression that SR would get all the NSFW images. I'm a new SR patron, so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something.


This drawing of Mio is from special event for SSR Tier last month. I announced that this will be reward for SSR Tier. I'm sorry for the confusion. ; v ; <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/result-for-event-19381462">https://www.patreon.com/posts/result-for-event-19381462</a>


man oh man, this is amazing. i love gangbangs with the whole "recorded" frame around it, especially with a cute girl like mio. I might need to upgrade to SSR tier, too, even tho i dont care too much for the psd files