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 Although it might be a bit late, first of all, Happy New Year to everyone. Because I was in my hometown for many days, I just got to say new year greeting to everyone today. 

 Rider is my favorite character ever since Fate/Stay Night. When I got the chance to draw like this, I accidentally added many things into the drawing. LOL. 

 For those who supported SR Tier or above on December, you will get this set of drawings (Total of 12 drawings, including paipan (no pubic hair) version. 

 Since this is kind of risky, this cropped version is the most I can show (LOL)  If you want to see full version, you can see it on my Pixiv or Twitter below. 

 https://twitter.com/Butter_T/status/948933703517970432  << Twitter 

 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66647423 << Pixiv 

 PS. There are still some incompleted drawing for December's Rewards, but I will try my best to fill the the gap. I'm very sorry for working this slow. ; v ; 




I know nothing about FGO but so far she's my favorite character 😘


Happy New Year. Also please take care this year.


Dunno if this was because of my suggestion but awesome to see anyway!