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 I'm sorry for disappearing without any update for a while. I returned to my hometown for few days during Mother's Day in Thailand. For once in a while, I got to return home and hug my parents, and ate my mom's food filled with nostalgic taste (which was rich in taste and quantity (LOL)) , I felt recharged. I will continue to try my best. 

The result is as seen in the picture, Nero won all the way through. She seems to be very popular. (LOL) 

 By the way, I drew Nero before (but that was Nero Bride, so I guess it doesn't count as duplicate, right?) 

https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59398325  <<  Drawing of Nero from the past (NSFW) 




Aww... I was hoping for anyone BUT Nero personally, lol feels like everyones drawing her these days. Oh well, hopefully Nero gets really messy in the pic Butter draws.


I thought you gonna draw 3 of them ( you asked for 3 options ). Oh well.

Just Passin By

Glad you're back Butter! Its nice to know you spent time with your family and your mother on Mother's Day over there. Nothing beats good old fashion cooking from your mother to bring back all those childhood memories of eating a lot! Lol. As for the winner, I had a feeling she would win because she is popular. Definitely was rooting for another character to get blessed by you. However, your bride Nero was simply fantastic and jaw dropping so I am sure you will give us another juicy one this time around. 😄