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 Apophis' drawing is done. I haven't drawn red sunset sky like this before. When I got to try it, it kind of looks cool. I will try again next time LOL 

 For those who supported R Tier or above will get NSFW version (There are 2 versions, one with pubic hair, and one without (for those who like it hairless (LOL))) 

 PS. There are 2 drawings left for last month's rewards. I will try to send the download URL before the 10th. Sorry for the delay 



Reficul Terumi

Looks gorgeous. Great job. On another note thanks for looking out for us hairless lovers. I really appreciate it. :)

Just Passin By

Love the purple! Hot dang you made her amazing! Love all the details you included and wow her midsection! 😍😍 Another great job Butter!


She looks totally hot and creative haha. Totally love it. Awesome work. Keep it up. Even though this is already very outstanding work. 😅😆😊