Suggestion thread - MAY 2023 (discussion) + A QUESTION (Patreon)
Hello! I'm working to finish the Main Illustration(bunnies!) for April and send out belated April artpacks ASAP. I hope to finish that until the upcoming monday/ tuesday! (I will create proper posts so you wont miss it!)
I realize it's a bit late, but I'm getting better than last month! 😅 I'm sketching artworks for May as well, but I'd love your input on this and on a question I asked below! Therefore let's have a fresh thread!
You can send me suggestions through the comments below or via private messages (I save these ideas as well, even if sometimes I don't reply 😅)!
My example ideas at this moment include:
- Ammit (egyptian croc deity) - I have a good sketch and idea I could finish within next week, and possibly extend it later into a 2-4 images series!
- Shikabane (purple skunk, Aggretsuko).
- Wolf (PussNboo ̷b̷ ts) - as "gender swapped" though, meaning feminine body.
- Diane - I have quite a few ideas for her still. 😏
- Juno (Beastars).
- Thicc orca original character? I've been thinking of making her in the past.
Like always any themes/situations ideas and characters are welcome. You can respond to my notes or give your own ideas of course! I tend to scroll through earlier suggestion threads too and new ideas may happen during the month. You can suggest any time. ;)
Since the quality of my pinups and main illustrations get somewhat similar (I think at least), would it be okay for you, if this time (for the May Artpack 032) instead of 2 "bonus pictures" + 1 "main illustration", I'd focus on "bonus" pictures?
Main illustrations can somehow be more challenging for me and can take more time to get the clarified idea and poses that works, but sometimes it's causing artblock which prolongs the process...
Therefore I consider this time to focus more on pinups/solo/pov/closeup illustrations (the ones I call "bonus"). That way, I could create 4 maybe even 5 of them for the May artpack - plus alt versions of course! In the end, we would end up with the same amount of files within the artpack as usual. It'd also give me more space to breath and fix my releases schedule.
What do you think? Would it be okay to do 4+0 instead of 2+1? Do you have a preference when it comes to my works? Do tell! 😊
(What is not a 'main illustration'? Every picture that does not have that tag.)
Thank you for reading. Have a great weekend!