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Hello! Thank you for your patience and support in January! Super late HD January 2022 Artpack (019) with all extra alts has been sent*! Check your Patreon private messages! :)  

I also have a small question. My packs tend to reach 1GB due to heavy PNG files - usually 30MB per file. In the meantime JPG files take 5-10MB and, because of slight grain, I didn't notice quality loss on them. Therefore, should I leave it as it is or try to do something with PNGs/remove them?

*You were eligible to receive it if you've been charged ($6) for this post. 
Artpack will be also available on my Gumroad in a week or two.


Maffi Lu

Keep the PNG, please. I know it's like comparing MP3 to FLAC 🤣😇 but I'm super anal about PNG over JPG. I'm always a little disappointed when I get art commissions and it's just a high res jpg. I don't wanna sound entitled, sorry if it came over like that. 😔 And, thank you for asking instead of just going JPG. 🤘


Please keep the PNGs if you can. It's the only one I download personally. Higher quality files have always been more important than hard drive space to me.


Storage is cheap! Please keep the PNGs!

Lord Chaos

Big is always better. Super size it.


PNGs are best.

Kenno Arkkan

I personally don't mind the png vs jpg thing. In principle pngs are supposed to be better for flat, single colored blobs of color, like cell shaded art. And jpg was designed for more complex, rendered type of art, like photography, or say, highly rendered pics like your style. I'd say drop the PNGs and stick to jpegs. specially if its gonna cost you $$$ down the line in storage. But IDK if you're actually paying anything for MEGA storage. People who care about file quality loss would actually request .tiff files with lzw compression, an actual lossless format (like bitmap or .bmp, but way lighter) in at least 300 dpi, that's some print ready shit. Now that's file format porn for me. That's my 2 cents.


AHHH! You actually did it! You're awesome, much love man!.....As for the PNG vs JPEG, what I end up doing is deleting the PNG file all together for just that reason, it's large and I myself don't notice a quality difference either.


Yeah I do not care if its PNG or JPG, youre quality is super high to me for both. If people want PNG, maybe they could pay for a specific tier


Hi, This artpack is very good. I love Rivet's pack (both) and your drawing style of Rouge. Main illustration is awesome, Paprika and her friends are cute. For JPEG/PNG, I would like you keep PNG. If it's easier to remove for you, ok but it's a shame. I share the opinion that the PNG format is of better quality.


Give me that resolution I will put it on an external hard drive if need to.