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Hello! Thank you guys for your ongoing support! You're lovely 😊


My older computer(10yo) was getting slow and laggy while painting high resolution artwork for you guys. Therefore I build a new one, set everything up (~mostly) and it works fantastic so far (yay)! Though because of these, Im delayed with next artpack again... (by about a week of research and hunting for parts 😅).

First piece for September (Artpack) will be finished after the weekend, then next pieces in early-to-mid October, so still according to my plan. New PC realllly speeds it up ♥, so it should get better from now on.

 I'm aware my artpacks come later than they should. If that trend would continue however, I may pause one charge and create a joined 2-month artpack to "restart" it. If I'll decide to do so, it would probably happen in December. As always, I'll keep you updated. (You won't get overcharged!)

In the meantime, have a great weekend and enjoy fresh artwork! :)

PS. I think I should start to numbering Artpacks 😅



The August 2021 Artpack has been sent* through Patreon's private messages! Thank you for your patience!

*You were eligible to receive it if you've been charged ($6) for this post. Pack will be also available on my Gumroad at a later date.

July 2021 Artpack has been added to the GUMROAD offer!

If you've been charged ($6) and didn't receive the pack, please message me! (Patreon's main filtering system is a bit limited, so I won't see that until I check you specifically.)
In case of any other problems please note me as well!



happy new computer day! xD


Great Artpack as usual. Don't worry, if you send later, take your time and do you best. You are already working hard. Main illustration is awesome. Loona (her lingerie is superb) and Nick (male and female versions are cute) illustrations are hot and sexy Congratulation for your new computer.

Eon Valterra

I have yet to receive mine


Show ur new pc! I want to judge it >:D

Diego P

Nick picks are excellent!


Another great pack, enjoy the new machine there’s nothing like new machine speed for the first few months!