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Hello! Itsa suggestion thread for this month! - throw your ideas any time.

Your ideas dont have to be very long, or even a description! Simple keywords which would include a character or situation will be helpful as well! *


My current ideas:

- Paprika (my red fox) in classic Harley Quinn costume (small disclaimer, I didn't read DC comics so let's not dig into lore here) - speedpaint;

- Crymini, maybe coupled with Loona (two characters I drew last month) in some lewdish situation;

- I like ideas of Paprika in tight uniforms in various working environments - business woman, mechanic, waitress, flight attendant, police officer, etc. (remember stewardess?). So, I can do something about that, maybe for main illustration? Of course she'd be at business meeting or serving clients and such ;)

- I have a few new character ideas in my head, I'll slowly put them on paper and see where it goes;

Are you interested in my characters or should I focus on known ones a bit more? Too much Paprika?

(Depending on your responses, I'll decide if should I create voting polls this time.)


* Cartoon/anime/movie/comics/game characters, except real people are fine. I'd prefer no OCs. My red foxy Paprika is a-ok!
If you wonder what kind of stuff i'm ok with, in the past I made f-list for their "kink list" (tl;dr I'm very open, but I probably should recheck that list :D )





Alopex from TMNT might be sweet to see done in the future :DD


Oh I've also been thinking of Judy Hopps earlier this week.


I quite enjoyed your prior image of Judy so I would be quite interested in seeing more

Jordan Penny

Loving the idea of Paprika in a mechanic setting getting a “tune-up” (har har)!


I absolutely adored that picture of the Egyptian gods and would love to see more of them!


maybe Paprika in a aftermath of a "business" meeting , wearing a more suggestive version of a business woman outfit

Maffi Lu

I was thinking of something like that, office attire - can't hide it, I love seeing her in nylons and heels. But then again a business pant suit would also be fun.


Maybe have Paprika in a Tight Ninja uniform banging enemy for information, or Paprika in a public use situation


Judy Hopps while undercover mission as some high class prostitute or strip club dancer? :D Whatever suits you tbh :)


I think there can never be too much Paprika. :) But I'd be certainly curious about that new character ideas as well!


I feel, I saw too much Naruto to want ninjafy her, at least in that common idea with black costume :D Public use sounds nice for her :)


Orrrr we could see Paprika as some Customer Satisfaction Manager taking care of few unsatisfied clients of her company...


Ooooh, i could see Paprika in another two situations: 1. She’s a nurse in Sperm Bank providing help to the most shy/unproductive donator; 2. Paprika being a groupie who managed to get back stage/band bus and is helping the boys release the tension :D


Sorry, i know all of my ideas are cliche but still... i need to give it a try :p


Krystal, captured and bred by Saurians. Not an original idea but I'd love to see what you'd come up with! Also I'd second the idea someone else had of another Judy Hopps pic on an undercover mission in a nightclub. I like the concept of her undercover as a stripper trying to tease someone for info, but things getting way, way out of hand, and she can't say no or else she'd risk being outed as a cop.


Honestly, anything involving latex is good to me. I simply adore the way you draw that shiny goodness~


Noted Krystal for laters :) If we talk about nightclub setting, beside the undercover cop Judy I like ideas where she changes her carrer path to clubbing full time (but keeps police stuff as props!) :D


Will be more for sure! I need a small break from that theme because of too many hours in assassin's creed origins :)


Go vote but you can give your suggestions all the time you're here! Via priv messages or in these threads.