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Hey peoples! Another devlog coming up!

So, at this point, I feel like I'm halfway through the desired amount of content I'd be okay with having for this next update. And, at this moment, I'm writing/rendering a very cool and important Haruka event. I already showed a little work in progress animation in one of the discord channels (for those with access to sneak peeks).

Now… I know that there's been an uneven amount of content to the 'main girls', and Haruka seems to be getting the spotlight quite a bit, but it's just the way that the story and the events are lining up organically during the creative process, the others will have their important events eventually as well, it's just that they need a little more 'build-up' to it.

Also, I said in the last devlog that I had 3 possible release states for the 0.04a update, one at the earliest opportunity, with somewhat fewer content, one a little bit more into the week with some more content, and the other option would have a larger amount of content but would take longer to develop.

I think I'll choose the 'quick update route' for now, because, since it's the early steps of the game, I kind of want to get to a constant flux of new content so there's always something to experience when coming back to the game in between playthroughs.

With that being said, my goal right now is, if everything goes as planned, to maybe have the 0.04a version by the end of the month, or the first half of next month. But, I don't know yet, it's always a little bit hard to predict, so I can't make promises.

In any occasion, thanks for the support and for sticking up with me through this process, I'm truly grateful ;)



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