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This reminds me of something I think of as "cyber nepotism". My point of reference is Home Depot's employee shift scheduling system, which my partner told me for years released schedules every two weeks that always had to be revised by the workers and supervisors in the store, but could not be routed around or ignored. Upper level management was pretty proud of their creation, but no one else seemed to like it, cleaning up after it created extra work, and criticizing it was not really allowed or effective, so it was like dealing with a boss's nephew you couldnt personally meet that was bad at their job but also couldn't be fired.


I'll admit to having a bit of a fascination with Roko's Basilisk; it's such a facile understanding of the world and technology that it should be laughable on the face of it. The fact that so many of these tech dudebros think it's some sort of mind blowing existential threat is just deeply sad considering we've constructed society to position them as leaders when they are, at best, credulous rubes who were born into the upper middle class and think that makes them super geniuses.