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The World Is Not Ending Vimeo Cut



is repeating "capitalists insists/convinced it's grown up talk etc." from 1:18:44 intentional? seems like an editing error while i'm at it, the text at around 1:57-1:58, in the 4th line "... considered dance. lines", an unnecessary period after "dance" sorry for being so late


The final part of this video always makes me cry, it's excellent.


Amazingly well done video. I was recently texting with a friend about how exploitative capitalism is and she gave the 'well yeah, that's capitalism, can't do anything about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯' response. I immediately responded with "Well, do I have the video for you," and then I realized that it wasn't going live to the public until Friday.

Charlie Hallam

I somehow missed this until this morning, and am now on my second watch. This has given me hope, but more importantly, direction and motivation for my to do list. Thank you


In the past few years I've recently gotten into a couple of things. One, looking at mushrooms, I don't know enough about them to pick (yet) but I like to take a peak at them and send a pic to my beautiful ecologist friend. Second, is labor activism I got involved in some orgs around socialism then got really into my union. Combining the two in your video is finally making me feel that not all is for naught. Furthermore, as I am typing this I realize that these two grounds are literally interconnected. The campus my workplace is on is littered with mushrooms; way more than I've ever seen in surrounded areas and so too are the workers of my shop ready and connected to spring up. When I get the delight of seeing a new HUGE or small mushroom I am reminded of my fellow workers fighting back against our oppressive class. The acts can be big or small but it is still new life. Your metaphore is perfect and I cant thank you enough. P.S. I just started listening to The Mushroom at the End of the World <3