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Hey pals!

So as you know, WITCHERMANIA has almost come to an end, the third part will premiere this Friday 25th and the last part will premiere on October 9th. I'm really happy with how this series came out, I've never made a series like this before, only some two-parter essays, and this was definitely in some ways a test run to see how well I could manage the project of doing something like this. I'm chuffed that it went so relatively smoothly, and the fact it's caused so many of you lovely people to join my patreon is an obvious massive bonus haha

So now that I'm feeling more confident about doing these kinds of series, I want to do more of them. The main thing to consider is that this one was all back-to-back which is something I'm not planning to regularly do in future, so I want to talk about my next series, but to be clear the plan isn't to release the parts of it consecutively.

So the new series: I'm starting a series of video essays next month titled The Monster Men, which is a little hard to describe, partly because that's the point of the series - I want to look at something a little nebulous. Instead I can say three of the videos I'm definitely doing in the series.

Episode 1: The Bureau, will be about representations of the FBI Behavioural Sciences Unit in fiction media, both straightforward and fantastical. For example we're going to be talking about Mindhunter, Hannibal, Control, The X Files and Mike Mignola's BPRD.

Episode 2: Creatures of the Night, will be about the various representations of vampires in fiction media and the various different ways that stories have pushed the definition and meaning of the myth.

Episode 3: Hannibal, will be about, well, Hannibal. The main focus of the episode is going to be Bryan Fuller's TV show although I have also read the books and rewatched the films for cross-reference and comparison.

There will be more in the series than that but I don't have plans for exactly what yet.

Besides that, and probably in between those episodes, I'm working on a few things that will be one-offs. That's part of how I want to structure things on the channel from now on. I'm going to do more series, and I'm going to do more individual one-offs in between that could get follow-ups or even series if there's more to say, but are intended as solo videos. So here are some of the upcoming one-offs, starting with the patreon goal rewards I currently owe y'all:

Zack Snyder, Ugly Ideology Makes Ugly Films

The Matrix Sequels Are Good, Actually

Untitled Cloudpunk Analysis

Untitled Alan Wake Video

Let me know your thoughts, comments, questions and suggestions in the comments!



The Matrix sequels are good actually 😭❤️ Such a good take, can't wait for that one

Artie Wolfe

This is potentially a foolish question, but is The Ballad of Geralt the Carelord locked to $3 tier patrons, rather than the traditional $2, for a reason? Either way, *keen* for creatures of the night, and I've really enjoyed your witcher series!

Josh Moberly

As someone who just wrapped up marathoning Hannibal (the series) followed by Red Dragon & (yikes) Silence of the Lambs. Consider me hyped for the upcoming Monster Men series.


The Witcher videos have been fantastic especially the latest one. The new series sounds cool and also excited for the Matrix video :)


I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Alan Wake. It's not a game I ever got into, but I've always been interested by the concept. Also, more Matrix analysis is guud.


Really looking forward to seeing all of these.


Can't wait for the matrix sequels as a) we need more talk about the matrix b) with my recent rewatch I was surprised with how I vibed with so many things about the sequels in 2020


Really interested in seeing if my believes about the Matrix sequels will be challenged, for now I remain skeptical, yet excited.

Munirah Hutchinson

In the monster men series, are you also planning to analyse monsters as men? Or, should I say, the monster as human stand-in/representing an element of humanity/questioning humanity?


Side note: I realized after watching your Cronenberg video that, uh, I think I'm the only person on the planet who's ONLY seen late Cronenberg...and almost all of it. WTF.