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Just a reminder, the tier reward for $5+ patrons to submit Questions for a Q&A is not limited to one per - You can submit as many questions as you like, via Patreon messenger or however you like. I'll select 20 Questions I think are interesting and make a 20 Questions Q&A video, and I'll do that again whenever I have 20 good questions to use.
As I'm choosing what questions to answer it's extremely subjective and arbitrary, but chances are the only reason I won't answer your question in a video is that I don't think the answer would be good video content, so in that case I'll probably still reply directly and tell you the answer.
So submit away! I look forward to receiving and answering your questions!

Additional updates: Posted rewards will be going out Once we're back from Christmas, because we're quite slammed until then, so all posted rewards will be reaching you in January.
The Frostpunk essay will be up in video format for patrons some time this week, probably before Friday. There will be two mini-essays at some point between now and Early January.
We are streaming tomorrow evening London time, as well as on Friday, but there will be no streams until after January 3rd after that as Natalie and I will be at her family house and then mine over the Christmas period.


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