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Hallo!! Here's the drawings for the past week and sneakpeaks for the next episode!! I feel like getting sneakpeaks during the weekends would make everyone excited ^_^

I never feel like I'm improving but not as much as I'd like 😭😭😭😭 there's literally always work to be done when you're working on a comic so there's little time to be doing studies </3 the comic is gonna pick up relatively quickly bc I have a lot of storybeats already planned out, the problem is how to string them together to make it make sense narratively.. so much of season 3 is gonna be flashbacks and Idk abt u guys but I HATE reading flashbacks in a comic 😭 so I always try to do weave flashbacks in with the present story to make it more engaging.. Hopefully it'll work for season 3 as well, but if I flop please forgive me also.. I really am trying my best

That's all for the yap this update! I hope everyone's looking forward to the comic and thank u sm for ur support 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️


sneak 1
POV: you are Crush
bleeding heart shirt I saw online but it's kinda floppage in my art..
gen1 highschoolers
funny marriage
big chess brain
it's been over the moment they met
crush with angel motif always makes me happy
sneak 1
sneak 2


Агата _

crush so cunty I love him


Omg masterpieces as always yem 🙏🙏🙏 Another speed paint when???