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THERES ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT UNTIL SEASON 3????????? Where did the time gooo... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Here are the bunnie holes I did for this month's nsfw post... unfortunately there wont be a comic this month bc I was sick and I had to crunch so much just to get enough buffer for the launch T_T and I'm still like 2-3 episodes shorts but... live laugh love. Since theres no comic I decided to did a 3 panel thing for Cherie and Crush since it's kinda tradition that we see them flop like once a month.

I'm really happie i got to draw my other OC's nsfw.. I know the majority of my patrons are here bc of Cherry Crush so I never really drew holes of anyone else (except for a few sometimes) liek i didn't think anyone cares about other couples or characters besides Cherie or Crush but then Thorne just blew up that poll so KJDNSFKJSDN

I'm still working really slow but thank GOD it's Friday!! I'm gonna spend the next 48 hrs just crunching for season 3 so I apologize if there's any mistakes T_T;;;

Thank you so much and have a nice weekend everynywan!!


5th place, Sodam To the 20 sodam fans out there who voted for him.. u cant fix him and he will make u worse
4th place, Biyu x Ducky LET'S GOOOOO FEMGOONERS LET'S GO
3rd place, Chohan. DON'T fall for this!!!!!!!
2nd place, Cherie x Crush. The classic
1st place, Thorne How many moles does he have?



thank you for the dinner yem 🙏
