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Hallo!! i know there's already been a patreon request post this month but since I've been doing nothing but work on the comics these past weeks, there's really not a lot of paintings or even sketches to do an art update.. 🚶‍♂️ so pls have some more patreon requests that I've been doing on my break..

Some of these requests were actually really funny, the question about exes was making me nervous because I wasn't sure if anyone really wanted to see Cherie's exes, since ppl were mad at Crush for even dating other ppl while they were apart or even during hs😭😭😭 I know ppl hates seeing Cherie and Crush with other ppl in general but i didn't think it's that big of a deal since Cherie and Crush are soulmates anyways.. They never stopped thinking about each other even while they were with other people, so please keep that in mind!! 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

That's all for today! i had a lot of fun drawing these, thank you so much for your requests, drawing them has been a nice break from the intensive work that comics require, hehe

>> You can send me more requests here <<


artblocked Painter Crush AU
Teamwork is dream work
Miss Mae with the terrible rolls
Highschool Cherie always fighting with upperclassmen..
Anh loves 'Nyan cat"
The people yearns for slayful Sodam
Cherie's too busy to date anyone but he did have these 2! Idk their names though they're not important
Heart </3
I literally read this request in Crush's voice i swear



so wheres the side??


wheres the side man.