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Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I continue  to be busy with my real job and other life commitments which has really cut into my time to make art and videos. I’m hoping this will start to change in October since the fall/winter months usually allow me more free time.

I’ve gone back and forth on the storyline for the new Power Mom comic. It felt like I was just trying to force a story instead of really getting into what I was making.  Some of the ideas might have been too complex for a first comic with HS2 since the sets and props I would need are proving hard to find.  I’ll scale it back a bit and try to tell something more simple with what sets/props I can find, with an emphasize on steamy hot sex scenes and fun action scenes.

I’ll be releasing some animations in the next week and I’ve included some WIP screengrabs of them. I’ve also added a new super heroine to the mix to aid Power Mom and Chip Powers in their fight against the assortment of sexy baddies they’ll run across in their adventures. I’m still working on her backstory and relationship to the Power duo.

Something else I want to do is offer more options for breast sizes in my HS2 works so I'll be experimenting with more BE action.  I’m hoping to appeal to more people that might not be into hyper boobs while still pleasing those that are. I’ll still have girls with hyper boobs as their default look but I want them to be more special and not necessarily the norm.

I’ll be working on more HS2 animations and photosets to keep my creative juices flowing for next month.



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