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Fan Tier

  • 23 Preview Images: Fan Tier>FS ep.4 Preview

Super Fan Tier

  • Visual Novel WIP 003 (WIN 64/32 & OSX)
  • 89 CG Images
  • All files in Super Fan Tier>Forbidden Space ep.4

Like I mentioned previously this update has no explicit CG or animations and focuses on pushing the narrative forward. However, it does hint at one explicit scene I plan to come back to. I have one more scene in mind that I will expand with animations and more CG once episode 4 is content complete. This second scene has not been hinted at yet.

I’m doing this because I plan to have two different endings and want extra content unlocked after a first playthrough. This way it encourages players to play through the narrative again rather than loading their last save. I also added a ‘skip to new content’ screen in this update.

Now I’ll be starting on the next installment of Locked Down which I hope to have out near the end of the month. Enjoy!

I will be blocking patrons with ‘Declined’ payment status before my next release. So please check your payment status to avoid this.




Hope to see more Ms.Liang


Ms.Liang is definitely a smokeshow. Like I said I plan to add explicit animations and CG of the current scene for her later in the project. Down the road after FS I could see some one off content with her or taking her model and adding her as another character in a different project.


Yes please...a crossover to other project sounds great