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Fan Tier

  • WEBM Deb Loop 1: Fan Tier>Loops

Big Fan Tier

  • WEBM Deb Loops 1-10: Big Fan Tier>Videos-WEBM>Locked Down
  • WEBM Excella Thorne Loops 3-4: Big Fan Tier>Videos-WEBM>Excella Thorne

Super Fan Tier

  • 3 More WEBM Animation Loops (30 day exclusive)
  • 2 High Quality MP4 video with SFX 2min:03s & 2min:05s: Super Fan Tier>Videos-HQ MP4>Locked Down

Next time I revisit animations for Locked Down Carolyn will get some lovin'.

I’m still writing for FS but I’ll have enough to get started on some early scenes for next month. I’ve recently bought Honey Select 2 and have been checking that out. Seems cool, I’ll probably do something with it after I finish the next FS episode. Hopefully more mods I use will get ported over in the meantime.

Here are a few models I created using HS2. Girls don’t transfer from HS1 to HS2 so I’ll probably be doing all new stuff when I work with HS2. This doesn’t mean I’ll abandon HS1 for 2 right after FS but depending on how much mod support it gets It may eventually become the main program I use.




Hey, just signed up and was wondering if you share your character cards. Would be nice to see them in-game.


I’ve shared body presets in the past with non patrons who asked but you're the first patron to ask about it. I’d be willing to put up a couple character card requests each month. Which two ladies do you wanna see?