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And I don’t come empty handed. You can check out my new comic here.  My patrons get access to the no text version set and some extra pics not included in the Pixiv public release. All of them are 3840 x 2160.

I’ve settled into my new job and everything is going great so far. I have less free time overall so I won’t be able to commit to large projects every month like before. Because of this I won’t be bringing back my other patreon tier.

I will be uploading new work every month but it will vary between a few pics and/or short animations to more involved stuff like comics and visual novels.

For October I’ll be putting out Halloween themed work similar to what I’ve done in the past. After that I will continue to put smaller stuff out while slowly working on larger projects. I still would like to have one more visual novel out before the year ends.

Thanks to everyone who has continued to support me through my hiatus. You are all awesome.

Now enjoy the jugs!



Welcome back :)


Can't access th art for some reason


This public post links to my patreon post with the art here https://www.patreon.com/posts/milk-cult-comic-29955138 . Let me know if it still doesn't work.