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EDIT: I've added the Goth Stepmom extra content VN with the  Priscilla maid scene to my MEGA. Look for the "Patreon Bonus Content' folder to find it. 

Hey all, I have some good news and some bad news. A very welcoming job opportunity has opened up for me recently but it requires that I move to another city. So the bad news is I won’t have free time to work on my art for awhile. It’s a big move for me and I figure I won’t really get to start working on art again until late Autumn of this year.

So I will be removing the ‘Big Fan’ tier near the end of the month and will keep the 1$ tier up for my Mega Archive access. Whether you switch to the 1$ tier or leave be sure to follow me for updates when I return.

Thanks to everyone who enjoys my work and  became a patron. This isn’t farewell. 

I’ll be back.😎

Enjoy your summer!

Download These Pics Here 

(If you were charged this month hoping for more content and would like a refund please go through the refund process and I will approve it.)



Congratulations! hope everything goes well, we'll wait your return :)


I know you probably have tons of ideas but I hoping you will go back to your old ones 'Silver Fox Ranch' have a young man go visit his step-grandma or a guy whose there for charity or community service. and cheers the up in his special way. The Atkins family from Goth step-mom could be extended with Alex meeting the whole family Lurch being a grey-skinned amazon and have granny being a kinky Gilf.


I actually did make models for Lurch and grandma Addams equivalents for the Goth Stepmom VN but realized I already had enough characters to make scenes for. Definitely ones I’ll add when I tell more Gothmom stories. And that would make a good side story if I revisit the Silver Fox Ranch.