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Following the retro aesthetic of this chapter the setting would be a mid century modern house deep in the woods.

House is heavily based on- The Pew House by Frank Lloyd Wright, pinnacle of mid century modern design.

Compared to the usual FLW houses you would expect such as the famed Falling Water, I've picked the Pew for having the perfect size of not being too big but still has that hanging aesthetic. Which is based more on the initial sketches rather than the final house, which doesn't have a small creek. Also added the all important basement floor.

This would also be a good time to give out references so you would get a good understanding, feel or know what to expect this chapter.


-Japanese Citypop

-When a Stranger Calls

-Mid Century Modern

-Late 80s/Early 90s anime

-City hunter

-City Hunter Damsel in Distress (there's quite a few and it would heavily be base on that)




I knew that had to be inspired by Wright's work! Iconic. :)