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Hey guys... what I'm gonna do would be a pretty shitty move so I'm gonna put it out there.

Did a bit of Math with a couple of papers and found that I might have made a couple of mistakes with the taxes and have to pay a bit more plus forgetting past dues. And the insurance is taking a bit longer than expected from the accident so I might be cutting it close this month.

So right now I'm going to apologize for breaking an earlier promise, and I'll have to un-pause billing cause I would need some funds right now. That means you'll be charged for January with the lower amount of content it has. But I promise you this, once I get that insurance money in a month or two then I'll have a proper paused billing month.

So again I'm very sorry for the current mishap but I plan on making up for it on a later date.



I’m okay with this. Godspeed!

Jon Murphy

I’ve loved your art for as long as I can remember, and I’m more than happy to pay in order to help!


Happy to help, Ryner! Don't worry about the details. You're as honest and straightforward as they come!


No worries, Ryner. You gotta do what you gotta do. Unexpected things happen. It's not like you make a habit out of this, so we have no reason to believe that this sort of thing would become the norm. Just take care of yourself--we'll still be here when things have settled down. :)


It's ok, do what you need to do