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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rxho8b6g6vmhykr/AAAZfaMCQS65C1NS5w0Pk1coa?dl=0

After that long weekend Freya got back to work at the office and Rebecca and Anne would like to hear about her "forced" vacation.

Starting off with this scene to make the rest be like flashbacks or pics Freya saved on her phone. Maybe some bloopers and image of the crew.

Poll is gonna start late this month, had been busy and all cause it's the holy week but still manage to finish some lewds.

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)




Would love to know what happen on that Vacation