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Soo it's now February and were reaching the 4th anniversary of this Patreon page. Felt Last Year wasn't the best on an artistic standpoint even though there has been a big increase on patrons. The Weekly Draw Idea from late that year did help on the lack of ideas. And I was just lacking in motivation on the comic mainly due to not being able to reach the quality I wanted, previous chapter's have varying degrees of quality in them due to trying to finish it and just not being able to put my idea on paper. I wanted to do A like "artist A" but can't really match so I'll end up with subpar version.

Moving forward I would like to keep stuff interesting and be more productive, even though January didn't reach the standards I was aiming for I do hope to keep improving in the coming months.

And I guess it's time for what everyone is waiting for "Commissions". I wanted to try commissions again but going to test the waters first so it's Patreon exclusive to minimize the amount of requests. It will open After (February 10) so better get those references ready. The plan is one commission each week to stick to the scheduling I had in place. IT would be my choice which commissions to pick and the main criteria is (Amount of Work and Idea) If I like the idea of it and if it's plausible to fit in 1 week time. So please refrain from big group picture or intricate character designs, that mainly pertains to clothing and bindings. 

I would make an announcement of Feb 11 for accepting request messages, send them preferably thru the Patreon message system or Discord dm. At first it will be 2 slots with the 2 remaining weeks of February but by March it will have 4 but still Patreon exclusive, once I have a good grasp at things I would move to public announcements on DA and Pixiv.

Also for the first batch I would want to give those who haven't gotten a commission yet a priority so IF I already made one for you before please wait a while. 

I wanted to be more productive and also Improve and for now the best way I can do it is by doing more and more varying ideas. 

I want to thank you all for supporting me and I hope this would be a better year for all of us!



nice idea of giving the chance for those who didnt had the chance previously. good luck and i wish you a great patreon year 🙏


Pre-congrats on the anniversary of your Patreon! I also respect giving those who didn't receive a commish a priority.