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Hey guys! 

As you all know by now the next story would feature a fantasy setting and the first scene is around a "Helpers" market, where a caravan in the dessert trades "captured" individuals.

Preferably original characters, copyrighted ones are ticking time bombs in these types of things. Just leave those familiar references to me.

There isn't any strict criteria, It could be any race, gender or anything in between as long as I could manage to fit it in lore wise to what I'm thinking.

This isn't a poll.

It's kinda like a contest where you provide the character and multiple criteria's would be judge by me.

Design, Relevance to the theme , Backstory and Personality

I'm the type of person who likes context or stories adding to the appeal of a certain art. That's why I prefer making comics. And soo even if you have the best character reference that can still be overtaken by some amazing backstory or quirk of a certain character.

It might be a limited time cause I'm gonna start setting up the first pages.

Remember, reference art, details and backstories of the character.

Comment down bellow this post the name of your character plus links to references and additional details, I would suggest using links to other websites for the written stuff so the comment sections stays clean and easy to navigate.

You could also comment down bellow for any other questions.

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)


Fialla Cuthail

Elissa is a tiefling who was "gifted" magic by a demonic patron... but it almost always backfires and triggers at the wrong time, getting Elissa stuck in fun situations all the time. Elissa is actively trying to figure out how to get rid of her powers, but her patron keeps getting her captured or enslaved to stop her! https://www.deviantart.com/zeah-draws-nsfw/art/Elissa-the-apologetic-tiefling-warlock-750276701 https://www.deviantart.com/ropelover-art/art/Elissa-s-greeting-803718292


I'll throw my hat in for this with Erin, who is depicted here in fantasy garb courtesy of Reverse Tension: https://www.deviantart.com/caledv/art/Erin-Fantasy-RPG-854263356. I used her as an NPC in a D&D campaign I run and in this iteration she was a member of a mercenary unit who specialized in scouting and reconnaissance, as well as providing skirmishers for larger armies. She has a down to earth and dry-humoured personality and typically finds herself as a foil to more outlandish characters, often being the tsukkomi in a manzai routine, and relies more on common sense and practical wisdom than any particularly outlandish powers or abilities. She is, however, a mean shot with her crossbow and a decent sword-fighter. Incidentally the party first encountered Erin as a prisoner in a military camp, having been tied up in a cell and left to stew. She's no stranger to being trussed up or doing the same to her foes, which is a detail I think might be relevant :V


I suppose I can nominate my Jester, Rama. Still working on her back story and all, but as a child, her village was decimated by horsemen raiders. One of the parties sent to search for survivors found her and was about to finish her off when a masked figured move in and took out the bandits with relative ease. The figure would stand before a frightened Rama, and rather than comfort her, knocks her out with a strange spell. Rama would awake in the Jesters Guild. The Jesters Guilds acted as a sort of freelance special forces group, performing assassinations, thievery, kidnappings, gaining information, and a whole slew of other covert jobs, all using disguises as Jesters to avoid suspicion. Most who would contact them assumed they were something else entirely. Rama, having nothing left, was brought up and trained by the one who took her in, a Jester named Gearth. It was through him, Rama learned how to fight with daggers, short swords, and various other roguish weapons, used magic more specialized for a rouge such as invisibility, conjuring magic bindings, hypnosis, sleep spells, and even how to use certain songs on instruments to give a slight boost in power. Rama is often in the position of a dom but is in truth a complete switch. All Jester's make their own masks from scratch. Rama made her's with the belief that a play, or really the world, is not a Tragedy, nor a Comedy, but both, so one side of her mask is smiling, while the other is frowning. She loves tickling her captives, but will incorporate kissing them, spanking, and even get frisky with them. These are really the only two images I have of her, I planned to get more over time. Also one of her hobbies is to steal the foot wear and other items to remember her victims https://www.deviantart.com/thalarionyr/art/COMMISSION-Jestering-around-with-the-top-Tier-869221652 https://www.deviantart.com/kingzeren/art/Ramatoa-tickles-Sanae-865922360


I'm "volunteering" my girl Scarlett! References for her and her fantasy outfit here: https://sta.sh/21lb4zew3gl4 Thanks to an inexperienced mage, Scarlett ended up being summoned to a fantasy world filled with swords & sorcery. While she searches for a way home, Scarlett decides to take up the life of an adventurer. She's still learning the lifestyle and gradually becoming a strong fighter, but is still the same bondage-prone vixen she always was; getting captured by goblins, robbed by bandits, taken prisoner by orcs... Because she's not from this fantasy world, Scarlett lacks the ability to sense mana or devious intent common among this world's inhabitants, which makes her more vulnerable to being tricked by assailants or captured by warlocks & sorcerers. Still, the vixen is all-too familiar with knots and bondage and can usually escape her bonds if given enough time...instantly if the rope work is basic...after she takes a few minutes to enjoy it of course...But if bound by magic, she's completely helpless!


Tricia the Conduit is the chosen host for the Goddess. As opposed to this being a position of respect, the Conduits of the world are now universally reviled and are intentionally ignored, which has led to many of them being sold as slaves. Tricia has avoided this fate due to being affiliated with the main character of my story. Tricia is an elf of formerly upper-class status and has now been forced to live a life of relative peasantry, as she is a caster, technically under the class of a wizard. She is determined, caring and fiery. She places a lot of faith in her friends and due to the nature of the her 'affliction' she is also very reliant on the goodness of others. As for descriptions and photo references here we go: Tricia is a raven-haired young wood elf. She has green eyes. As for visual references I present three pictures from DeviantArt 1) Vex'ahlia for general form: https://www.deviantart.com/allisonhowle/art/Critical-Role-Vex-Ahlia-600887617 2) Yennifer of Vengerberg for the air of confidence: https://www.deviantart.com/galatejaa/art/Yennifer-847301434 and 3) Triss Merigold for the bust: https://www.deviantart.com/dantesparda41/art/Crooked-Merigold-862623887


Helliana. A "Helltaker" version of my girl Liana. A naughty curious little demon who's the opposite of her blue mortal self. She spend her time in the underworld doing anything that keep her busy, which mostly mean spying or wandering areas where she's not supposed to be just to get in trouble. And by trouble, it means get tied up & played with by anyone who's guarding the area she was snooping into. She deeply enjoy that. Ref : https://www.deviantart.com/bluecoatagency/art/Helliana-s-Sanctuary-872465160


Ooohhhh Somnia Ieverrus was a DnD character I made in the hopes of a campaign that fell through. She used to be part of a monster hunting mercenary company, which is why she's well trained in the use of polearms. She ended up halfway retiring after they met a strong monster that decimated the company. She recovered in a small town and became a town guard there. She has trouble resting, and is very hard to catch off guard, usually. She would still do her best to help if there was an adventure to be had and some adventurers needed some extra monster hunting muscle! Before she had a name I just called her Sleepy Elf in my head xD https://sta.sh/017fb774gqyh


Scarlet Langstaff: a professional sharpshooter with a mysterious past. She seems friendly enough but performs her missions without mercy. Sometimes saving helping solve a problem means you need to get rid of the problem itself Is skilled in many forms of combat and can kill you at most ranges :) https://www.deviantart.com/redboylover98/art/Scarlet-Langstaff-854629509


And some casual and adventure outfits! https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1YwXfOs_WOvubM1cFYuGh3lwKhwumcU-U?usp=sharing


Iris Lionhart is a rare silver-tailed Kitsune/human hybrid and the 2nd daughter of a high ranking human adventurer and a beastkin shrinemaiden. Iris had often dreamed of following in her father and elder sisters footsteps hoping to one day strike out on her own as an adventurer and explore all the many wonders of the world but had often been discouraged to do so being that she unlike her sister had inherited her mothers silver-tail and ears which were unique traits to have even amongst the already rare Kitsune race of beastkin thus making her a prime target for all manner of deviants. However despite the numerous warnings given to her by both of her parents on her 18th birthday Iris snuck out of the confines of her village meeting up with two her closest friends and set out on her very first adventure one that from the beginning has already proven to be quiet perilous for the young trio but despite the odds they seem to make it through every peril unscathed either through their own ingenuity or with the help of a mysterious trickster mage that seems to come to their aide in their greatest times of need. Despite the many perils Iris has found herself in she is by no means helpless having been trained in and mastered many of the Illusionary magics Kitsune are know for as well as having been trained in the various hand to hand and blade based techniques her father implemented with her have several concealed knives on her person at all times including ones hidden in the heel of her shoes. ://sta.sh/01jcfit065t5

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I don’t know how well this is gonna be received, but better than nothing. Vance is a half-orc born and raised to a vagabond tribe of orcs and other undesirable races or individuals. They had been pushed out of their chosen settlements time and time again. Sometimes they even send out their members to find new lands to call home in the possible future if they are told to flee. So it’s no surprise that this monk boy finds himself in place after place. Often meeting hero and villains of all kinds, but one thing is for certain. He always finds himself capturing or even in trouble with one group. His hunting skills make him adapt at binding prey and hiding them away from prying eyes. If you want to find help off the streets for any good or bad deeds, you can find him strolling them to ask anyone he can about new open lands for the tribe. He does need work to pay people for their services, or pay with his services. If you need a help in hand, don’t be afraid to ask. He’s a gentle guy. https://www.deviantart.com/yugitites/art/Vance-the-Half-Orc-what-Please-read-description-859427200


I would love to contribute my OC, Susan, for a rogue/thief character in your, what will be, no doubt, an amazing series! https://www.deviantart.com/thatguyknownasdio/art/Potential-OC-Susan-Watanabe-677157596 Sexy dress: https://www.deviantart.com/thatguyknownasdio/art/You-laugh-and-you-die-729549644 Colored version w/ bio: https://www.deviantart.com/thatguyknownasdio/art/Meet-Susan-681981230 She's supposed to be a young, amateurish detective-in-training kind of character with parkour skills, some martial arts (BJJ and Karate to name a few), pickpocketing, lockpicking, general computer hacking, etc etc. She hasn't ever met her father and has always lived with her mom (who has her own interesting past as a transporter) who is devoted to taking care of her and teaching her some of her own skills. Though shy and not often outspoken, Susan has always cared about others and will take action to protect them, including going headlong into fights. She likes getting justice but feels the law takes too long so she's not afraid to take her unique skills into her own hands. It's mostly the reason she became a vigilante. I'm hoping you might be able to incorporate her into your world as such. :)