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Happy New Year Everybody!

And at the start of the year its back to working on my Patreon projects. As the current comic chapter ending with quite a twisty story its time for me to share some ideas going thru my head.

As everyone can tell by now, the main theme is bondage and DID so kinda far from the sci fi action genre I'm going. And another problem of making stories seriously while also having sudden horny moments don't make the most productive story. So I've said this many times before now but the format of finishing a single chapter would change to working on different stories each month.

It wont be consistent, sometimes I get to make 3-5 pages of a single story or 1 page of different ones each month. I've notice that I tend to lose interest once it takes a bit too long on one scenario. So making different ones might lighten up my creative juices. Had some sketches for the past months with the different stories to expect, a sci fi story, a fantasy one and the usual antics of just random bondage scenarios.

I try to also change my art and some character designs. Like the 3 main girls representing the different stories to expect. Jenn with the classic detective DID, Freya with her office bondage debacles and Michelle with fighting fetish themed aliens.

 I gotta give jenn more love kinda spoiled the Freya group a lot last year.

Freya is supposed to be the serious type with a bit of an aloof side but recently its just been "horny girl" I should show some more classy damsel from her.

And Michelle which will feature some new casts still has a lot of work for her, especially her attitude towards being tied up.

That's about sums up what to expect this year, might be a good idea or maybe a bad one... but if I feel kinda overwhelmed and lacking in creativity its back to good old tied up girls with less story driven stuff, so a win win situation overall.

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)




That picture with Eric - My Dom side: Ugh, no way I’d like that... My secret switch side: ...😏


Freya looks spiffy in that suit, especially with the ballgag taking the place of a tie. hehe


Writing stories definitely becomes counterproductive once the horniness bug sets in. I usually sit there and end up staring at a blank doc on my computer. While I never mind watching "horny girl" Freya, I do understand of wanting to keep your OC's persona intact. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of the others, ESPECIALLY Jenn. For reasons of course. (¬‿¬)


This is so wonderful to see! I can't wait to see more from you! Hopefully that GiD sketch will end up getting completed~ :3