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And now a little comic featuring Ms. Midnight, everybody's favorite teacher at UA.

Been a while since I've done a comic for the polls, usually it takes longer to finish it.

Also I feel like I've been making kinda plain poses recently, so I tried to step it up for this one.

Now I'm gonna finish those comic pages and start working on the final part.

And I'm really thankful for all your support even with a slowdown in content and just WIPs for most of the time. But I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the content the I do.

  (This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reinactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)  



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Midnight isn't my most fav character from the fabled series but, hot damn, did you go an amazing job on her!