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It has come to my attention that an Instagram account has translated and posted my comics. And he was hard at work translating it to russian too.
Well I already know of a lot of sites who steal here but at least they credit their stolen source.
Most likely he got it from there or worse is actually a Patron.
Well this is just a reminder, I already know you can't stop these type of things only to earn more than what they can steal. 
Not gonna rant but always remember a lot of great artists, some of which are my favorite who we never saw again because of people like these.



I’m sorry this has happened to you. If I may, I would like to suggest that maybe in future work and projects, find a way to put a signature or water mark somewhere on the work. This way it may make it harder for people to steal your work. Just thought I would try to help. Keep up the good work.


A subtle, but image-encompassing watermark is a good idea. Or something non-subtle, but covering up a significant enough portion of the bottom of the page that the thieves can't just crop it out.


What was further aggravating was the fact that they just pretended they were doing every one a favor and uploading original content to their account. What a slimeball.


Thats always bad and i always try to support artists and let them know when i found there work anywhere. And you're right some great artists quit there drawing carier. Hope the best for you you're a great artist!