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Hey its actually been 2 years! Funny that I first opened my Patreon because of desperation.

So quick flashback, around the new year I left my old city job after passing a license exam. Back then I was studying, working part time and doing commissions for some extra cash. Actually did fairly well considering my art was not up to standards at the time. And I gotta thank to those first commissioners without that moral boost I would have never ended up here.

And after the exam I would now have to work full time considering that I got my license so I was conflicted that I would have to give up drawing cause of the demand of the job. But I really wanted to do this so I made a sudden decision to quite that job and move back home where I got an less tiring small job at the town hall, wasn't good pay but I get to sleep at my house and have time for drawing.

first I was planning to finish chapter 1 before opening patreon making the finish chapter as the main attraction but then my paypal got limited. Now with no means of getting commissions my town job wouldn't look promising and I have to move back to the city and unwillingly accept that office job. So with that I desperately tried to open my Patreon with just 5 pages of the comic finished and hope I could workout commissions using it. It worked but not the best solution.

A few months pass and It actually kinda run smoothly made a few monthly polls on time and finished some pages but suddenly a mass suspension on Patreon happened. Feeling like the time my paypal was gone, I try to save what I can and email some mods. Luckily it was a nice conversation and I ended my suspension although made some changes to comply. 

I think that's the last I could say for the eventful early start of my Patreon and after that It was kinda smooth sailing with a little bumps from time to time. But surprisingly it got better and better and I actually reached my goal.

So with the 2nd anniversary is also the announcement that I quite my small town job and now doing lewd art full time. And to think back that It was just a rash decision that got me here.

But its really thanks to you all, I wouldn't be here without you guys, all of you patrons are the core thing that kept this going even though 90% of people IRL actually never did. Funny thing is the neighbors still think I'm a bum living at my parents house. Fixed the house a bit, help with my sisters tuition and bought a computer that could actually render stuff without taking long and crashing at the last minute.

Art wise we really came a long way, I mean look at chapter 1 so for the commemoration pic I got the three girls who I tied up the most wearing their original costumes. 

So I don't want to make this into an unreadable wall of text, thus to finish off I really wanna thanks everyone again, all of this because of the patrons who believe in my even during my lackluster days and to every new one who came. THANK YOU.




Mmm, wonderful art! And Happy Patreoniversary! > now doing lewd art full time That's great! :)

Eric Bot

Happy anniversary and thank you as well for the awesome art you're doing.


I’m new to you and to Patreon as a whole, I like your art a lot


I remember that mass cleansing from Patreon and the whole fiasco with Paypal. So glad you were able to get past that and find a way to continue doing what you love. Not only are you an amazing artist, you're equally a terrific person. Helping your family including your sister's tuition, that's very selfless and responsible. Plus you work hard with posting content so you definitely earn your pay and then some. Happy 2 years to you and here's to many more I hope.




Thanks man, Coming from someone who's been here since it really means a lot. Hope I could give better and better art in the future.