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made a birthday gift for  https://www.deviantart.com/wossarem 


The first thing you do when making your own OC is making things that you like.

So I added short hair, sub, tape, sweater, and tights and what do you get?

Two OC questioning my originality.

So not part of my usual schedule, and that means the other stuff would be done later.

Hope you guys don't mind.

I really had a problem today, the kind when your trying to think of an idea then proceed to do random stuff for hours and finally got a brainstorm 2 hours before midnight.

Plus I couldn't sleep without finishing it hehe.

Edit (Rearange the images so the final pic would be the main one)


(This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)

(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reinactments that are safe and without any violence nor sexual assault.)

(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)




Short hair, sub, tape, sweater, and tights is a popular combination because it's good, so don't worry about similarities :D Excellent work, as always!


This is so thoughtful of you and I don't think those two are questioning anything in their predicament!


I love that you used the new multi-image functionality on Patreon to post all three steps of the process! Though you might want to put the final pic first, so it shows up in the email notification.


Men and women of short-hair-sub-tape-sweater-and-tights culture, rise up!


Maybe "No leg binds?" But yes they certainly are keeping their questions to themselves...


Hey thanks for including the sketch and line-art versions, too. Always fun to see your behind-the-scenes work along with the finished product...and what results! Aeria and Freya look exceptionally cute in their binds and "adhesive ninja masks"; their faces may be hidden, but the blushing sure isn't! And somewhere, out of frame, Wossy and Shore are probably giggling to themselves over their latest "handiwork." A most glorious crossover meets birthday pic surprise here, this is absolutely worth the slightly delayed schedule. Yeah that problem can be annoying, especially when the aha moment hits long after you first tried developing the idea; just part of the creative process, I suppose. Hopefully the random stuff was fun.