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page 6-10

Finished the sketches for the month and now going to the line art process, a bit rough on the last 3 pages. And we ow know the reason of the little stumble Shore and Frey had, guess Frey wasn't happy being inserted with something close to her privates.

Might have to adjust the size on Frey's full body shot in page 10 or add Mich in the panel.

And Eric didn't miss a chance to cop a feel and its seems somethings different after page 7.

So going as scheduled, plus tomorrow I'm going to post suggestions for what will be the contents of the secret list Eric's gonna pull out of Frey's undies. And once that's done a poll to vote which would be added to the next pages of the comic.




*Eric sees and reaches for Frey's "naughty list"* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRr9NG7RE0 Do you want us to start suggesting now? If so, here's a few options to keep in mind: weight training for Eric (using the girls as wriggly weights while he attempts to not get distracted, especially by Frey); hop races from one side of the room to the other; and spank endurance (whoever makes it to the highest count before giving the quitter call sign wins!) I'm not sure if the events planned for this "trussed exercise" are separate from the contents of Frey's list (would the latter be more of a "confession letter" to Eric, that he's meant to silently read and act upon as "exclusive training" for Frey specifically?) That could be a cool twist on the typical anime confession scene, with Frey unwilling or too nervous to admit anything verbally, plus serving as an "actions speak louder than words" kind of scene. Gotta wonder if Frey had help writing this list; if Shore is doing what I think she's doing, then this is the kinkiest/best matchmaking attempt I've ever seen in ANY piece of fiction. Love how Eric pats her head before giving her a slight squeeze, as if to say "You did good, Shore. Now just sit back and let me take over from here, 'kay?" Plus Shore did feel up Frey on the previous page to that, so I guess this could be a form of "equivalent exchange" grope-wise? Great, now I can just see the girls later arguing over whether a butt-grope is equal to a breast-grope, with each of them stumbling to explain before Frey speaks up and calmly explains whether or not said grope-types are equal or not...all while Eric is trying to untie them, but slowly so as to drag out the debate. I know, non-canon. Some other things of note: -digging the look of Frey's wrapgag in the last panel on page 10, reminds of the gags in jam-orbital's art (heck YES!) -just realized how somewhat similar the glomph scene is to Jenn and Frey's "arrangement" near the end of Chapter 1; only this time, instead of taking a picture from a short distance away, Eric is almost in the center of this "bondage sandwich" (professionalism under pressure may be something he's struggling with, but getting better at) -interesting how Michelle is quickly tied up by Shore, who almost immediately returns her focus (and hands) to Frey; the way that Mich closes her eyes while struggling really sells the fact that she doesn't want to be left out in terms of paid attention (not sure if I read this right...) -correct me if I'm wrong, but is the "something different" supposed to be that Shore inserted the list into Frey's underwear while Eric was "distracted" by Jenn's crotch? (this probably sounds like a weird question and I may have missed the change completely, just curious overall...) -Frey rolling over as if to hide the list, and Shore pointing towards her as Eric expresses his confusion, adorable and funny and very clearly shown, even sans dialogue and in rough sketch format I 100% support adding in Mich next to Frey in that page 10 panel (they were near each other after Shore tied the former up); maybe Frey could be rolling away from Mich to continue hiding the list from everyone else's line of sight, which clues Eric in. Are you considering shrinking the size of Frey's full-body view, in order to better fit two girls rather than one in the same large panel? Also just want to say thanks again for involving us so much in the development of future comic pages; I can't wait to see what suggestions get put into that poll vote, I'm sure it'll be hard to choose a favorite! Yeaahh...I went overboard again, darn it.


That’s really awesome! The close shot of freya heavily gagged and in distress is top notch. All those kinky groping and spanks without going full sex/hentai like most illustrators does. I initially wanted to give a look at your patreon briefly, but I had to stay when I saw all that high quality works from you. I don’t regret any $ spents. Thanks.


Sounds like that's going to be my new favorite comic 👀❤️ The ties/gag scenes are excellent


Oh what I wouldn’t give to do this myself to Jenn ❤️❤️❤️


Nahh, its great to hear what other's see in detail with just rough sketches and no dialogue. Yeah I kinda want to thicken Frey's gag more felt lackluster sometimes. But I might drag on this anime cliche for while so it wont be a confession and the crew feels the same way.